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Table 1 Compendium of cases of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis (LCM) from primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

From: Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis in a patient with recurrent unresectable squamous cell carcinoma of the retromolar trigone—a brief report

Author, year of publication

Age (years)/sex

Primary cancer site, histology and initial management

Time to LCM

Presenting symptoms of LCM

Imaging findings

CSF analysis

Treatment of LCM

Survival outcome

Banerjee et al. [16] (1984)


Carcinoma lip (SCC); wide local excision of tumour

8 months

Right mental neuropathy, right 5th, 7th, 8th CNP, complete ophthalmoplegia

CT head—normal. There was biopsy-proven metastases to mandible

Protein—elevated, glucose—decreased, cytology—positive for tumour cells

Weekly intravenous MTX and bleomycin

Died after 12 months from the diagnosis of LCM and 26 months from the diagnosis of cancer

Redman et al. [17] (1986)


Carcinoma of ethmoid sinus (SCC);

Chemotherapy: CDDP, VCR, Bleomycin f/b RT

7 months

Nausea, vomiting, decreased vision in left eye, decreased sensation over the left side of face, status epilepticus

CT scan—normal

Protein—elevated, cytology- positive for tumour cells

Whole brain RT➔ weekly IT MTX

Died after 10 months from the diagnosis of LCM

Redman et al. [17] (1986)


Carcinoma nasopharynx (PDSCC); surgery ➔ RT; recurrence in oropharynx after 6 months: surgery ➔ RT

4 months

Bifrontal headache with nausea, vomiting, dizziness; optic atrophy on right side and papillitis on left side; anisocoria, 6th cranial nerve palsy (6 months after diagnosis of LCM); seizure (10 months after diagnosis of LCM)

Initial CT scan normal; CT scan at 2 months after diagnosis of LCM—bifrontal extradural tumour extension with involvement of both optic nerves; CT scan at 7 months after diagnosis of LCM—bifrontal meningeal enhancement with no intracranial lesion

At 7 months after diagnosis of LCM: protein—elevated, glucose—normal, cytology—no malignant cell; At 10 months after diagnosis of LCM: protein—elevated, glucose—decreased, cytology—positive for tumour cells

Systemic chemotherapy—CDDP and 5FU

Died after 11 months from the diagnosis of LCM

Redman et al. [17] (1986)


Carcinoma base of tongue with cervical lymph node metastasis (SCC); surgery ➔ RT

16 months

Occipital headache with blurred vision in left eye; blindness in the left eye, decreased vision in the right eye (3 months after diagnosis of LCM); motor seizure (6 months after diagnosis of LCM)

CT scan—tumour recurrence with extension to left orbital apex, cavernous sinus and sphenoid sinus

Protein—elevated, cytology—negative for tumour cells; At 8 and 13 months after diagnosis of LCM: same as before; CSF from Ommaya reservoir positive for malignant cells

Systemic chemotherapy—CDDP and 5FU; weekly intraventricular chemotherapy with MTX via Ommaya reservoir

Died after 22 months from the diagnosis of LCM

Redman et al. [17] (1986)


Carcinoma of right ethmoid sinus (PDSCC)

At presentation

Anosmia, cephalgia, right-sided proptosis, anisocoria, right lateral gaze palsy

CT scan—obliteration of ethmoid sinus with an extension of tumour through the floor of the anterior fossa, compression of the right lateral ventricle

Protein—elevated, cytology—positive for tumour cells

Systemic chemotherapy-CDDP and 5FU; steroids and emergency cranial decompression; cranial RT; weekly intraventricular chemotherapy with MTX

Died after 21 months from the diagnosis of LCM

Biswal et al. [18] (1998)


Carcinoma right tonsil cT3N2aM0 (WDSCC); Palliative RT (30 Gy/10 fr/2 weeks) ➔ radical conversion to equivalent dose of 70 Gy

7 months

Headache, deafness, diplopia, nasal regurgitation, hoarseness, bilateral 7th and 8th cranial nerve palsies

MRI—normal, Gd DTPA scan—prepontine deposit; biopsy proven metastatic skin nodules; CXR—multiple lung metastases

CSF cytology-positive for malignant cells

Palliative RT to whole brain 20 Gy/5 fr/1 week

Died after 1 month from the diagnosis of LCM

Thompson et al. [19] (2003)


Carcinoma left glottis T1N0M0 (SCC); Definitive RT (60 Gy/30 fr); Carcinoma left supraglottic larynx (SPC after 12 years) T1N3M0 (SCC): laryngectomy and MRND ➔ adjuvant RT to right neck (50 Gy/25 fr) and RT to left neck (60 Gy/30 fr)

5 months

Low backache, decreased sensation in both lower limbs, constipation, inability to bear weight

MRI lumbar spine—leptomeningeal enhancement; CXR—normal

CSF cytology-atypical cells


RT(20 Gy/5 fr) to T12- S3 level

Died after 3 weeks from the completion of palliative RT

Lee et al. [ 20] (2005)


Carcinoma nasopharynx (SCC); RT and concurrent chemotherapy with cisplatin and 5FU

4 years

Right-sided facial weakness, numbness, loss of taste and smell, pain in right maxillary area, twitching in right facial musculature, right retroorbital pain, diplopia

MRI at 2 years after diagnosis of LCM: recurrent nasopharyngeal mass with involvement of ethmoid sinus and extension to frontotemporal leptomeninges

CSF cytology—negative for malignant cells

Systemic chemotherapy—MTX, 5FU with leucovorin

Died after 3 years from the initial diagnosis of LCM

Sullivan et al. [21] 2006


Carcinoma lower lip(SCC); Local excision of tumour; Local recurrence after 3 years (SCC); wide local excision of tumour with mandibular resection➔ post-op RT (54 Gy/27 fr)

4 years

Paraesthesia over right cheek and forehead

Right radicular pain, right foot drop, left leg paraesthesia, decreased sensation in L4-L5 dermatomes on right and S1, 2 dermatomes on left (during stereotactic RT to the right cavernous sinus lesion)

Ill-defined enhancing mass below right foramen ovale with abnormal enhancement and thickening in cavernous sinus and PNI of the right trigeminal nerve

MRI spine during stereotactic RT to right cavernous sinus lesion—multiple meningeal nodules in cervical and lumbar spine

Protein—elevated, cytology—negative for malignant cells

Stereotactic RT to the right cavernous sinus lesion (66 Gy/33 fr)

Dexamethasone 4 mg QID and whole spinal RT (35 Gy/15 fr)

Died after 3 months from the completion of spinal RT

Pougnet et al. [22] (2014)


Carcinoma lip (WDSCC) post resection with perineural invasion of the trigeminal nerve within temporal fossa; Definitive CTRT (70 Gy/35 fr) with concurrent cisplatin and 5FU

12 months

Paraparesis and back pain

Progressive back pain, sphincter disorder and lower limb weakness (24 months after diagnosis of LCM)

Medullary myelitis without meningeal enhancement; MRI at 27 months after diagnosis of LCM—meningeal nodule and leptomeningeal enhancement

CSF cytology—no atypical cells

At 27 months after diagnosis of LCM: protein—elevated, glucose—decreased

CSF cytology—atypical cells consistent with metastatic SCC

Dexamethasone; dysimmune myelitis-Mycophenolate mofetil

At 24 months after diagnosis of LCM: weekly ITMTX and MPS+ systemic chemotherapy with 3 weekly carboplatin and weekly cetuximab

Patient was alive at 6 months of the start of treatment of IV and IT chemotherapy

  1. SCC squamous cell carcinoma, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, CT computed tomography, RT radiotherapy, VCR vincristine, 5FU 5-fluorouracil, CDDP cisplatin, MTX methotrexate, LCM leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, ITMTX intrathecal methotrexate, PD poorly differentiated, WD well-differentiated, SPC second primary cancer, CTRT concurrent chemoradiotherapy, CXR chest X-ray, Gd DTPA gadolinium: diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, Gy Gray, BOT base of tongue, fr fractions, MRND modified radical neck dissection, WLE wide local excision, CNP cranial nerve palsy, MPS methyl prednisolone, IV intravenous, IT intrathecal