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Table 2 Comparicon between CLL patients and controls as regards CBC parameters.Hb concentration and platelet count were significantly lower in CLL patients compared to the controls, while WBC and ALC were significantly higher in CLL patients compared to the controls

From: Prognostic significance of microRNA 17–92 cluster expression in Egyptian chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients


Patients (n = 40)

Controls (n = 20)

p value

Hb (g/dL)

Mean ± SD

11.10 ± 2.73

13.08 ± 0.73


Median (min.–max.)

11.25 (3.8–15.6)

13.1 (11.8–14.5)

Platelets (× 109/L)

Mean ± SD

174.25 ± 91.44

270.65 ± 83.12

 < 0.001

Median (min.–max.)

159 (24–402)

146 (170–422)

WBC (× 109/L)

Mean ± SD

95.22 ± 107.10

6.71 ± 1.74

 < 0.001

Median (min.–max.)

42.2 (10.39–392)

6.6 (4.2–10)

ALC (× 109/L)

Mean ± SD

86.28 ± 105.84

2.79 ± 0.68

 < 0.001

Median (min.–max.)

36.4 (6.7–384)

2.91 (1.26–3.57)

  1. Hb hemoglobin, WBC white blood cells, ALC absolute lymphocyte count; p value significant when p ≤ 0.05