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Table 2 Perioperative and oncologic outcomes

From: Predictors of mortality within the first year post-hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma


Number (n = 163)

Tumor size (mm), median (range)

40 (1 – 200)

Macrovascular invasion

18 (11%)

Microvascular invasion

47 (28.8%)

Pringles maneuver used

27 (16.6%)

Competing interests

Competing interests

 Major resection

74 (45.4%)

 Right hemihepatectomy

37 (50%)

 Left hemihepatectomy

21 (28.4%)

 Right trisectionectomy

12 (16.2%)

 Left trisectionectomy

1 (1.4%)

 Central hepatectomy

3 (4%)

 Minor resection

89 (54.6%)

Laparoscopic resection

101 (62%)

Multifocal (≥ 2) tumors

43 (26.4%)

Giant (≥ 10 cm) tumor

32 (19.6%)

Blood transfusion

30 (18.4%)


14 (8.6%)

Acute renal failure

7 (4.3%)

Urinary tract infection

6 (3.7%)

Pulmonary embolism

1 (0.6%)

Intra-abdominal abscess

4 (2.5%)

Bile leak

3 (1.8%)

Superficial surgical site infection

7 (4.3%)

Post-hepatectomy liver failure 1 (50–50 criteria)

6 (3.7%)

Post-hepatectomy liver failure 2 (peak serum bilirubin criteria)

7 (4.3%)

Post-hepatectomy liver failure 3 (ISGLS criteria)

25 (15.3%)

30-Day mortality

6 (3.7%)

90-Day mortality

8 (4.9%)

One-year mortality

15 (9.2%)

  1. ISGLS International Study Group on Liver Surgery